元ガンズアンドローゼズ、現ヴェルヴェットリヴォルヴァーのギタリスト・スラッシュの自伝 ★★★ The first autobiography of SLASH. One of the guitarists that I was affected as for him most. There will be only Jimmy Page whether it is him that LesPaul becomes.
今世紀最大の再結成!来日なるか! ★★★ Will they be the greatest re-organization in this century? The ticket of the world tour will be a super! super! super! premium.
Le'ts Enjoy Yourself...
木村カエラ +1
New Albumが出たばかり!マニフェスト・・・カッコイイ!
毎月10日発売!(ILM) ★★★ My most favorite magazine, RollingStone magazine(Japan version). Mika Nakashima gave glory to a cover as a Japanese for the first time. Bravo!
Dania Ramirez
Dania Ramirez 2
アダム・クレイトンへの道"Road To Adam Clayton"-under construction-
僕にベースの醍醐味を気づかせてくれた今、最も敬愛してやまないU2のベーシスト、アダム・クレイトン。彼に少しでも近づきたくて(無理だけど)日々夢ばかり見ているmasaoの奮闘記。この険しい道は果てしなく続き終点はない。 ★★★ Now that reminded me of the powerful charm of bass, coolness; Adam Clayton,bassist of U2 which cannot help loving and respecting most. A description of strenuous efforts of masao which I want to approach him a little (though it is impossible), and only a dream watches every day. This steep way spreads out endlessly, and there is not the terminal. Please click an upper image if you like. (But it is only Japanese notation)